This article was written by Dutch Sheets and published on the Give Him 15 website.
Much of the news lately regarding our national government has revolved around the Presidency and Congress. Understandably so. However, we must not forget to pray for the Supreme Court. They wield incredible power, which in America’s history has been used for both good and evil. With the great influence they hold in our nation, we must pray that they will continue to shift toward America’s founding principles and righteousness.
Last Thursday (January 9, 2025), the Court ruled 5-4 that the sentencing of Trump in New York for 34 counts of falsifying business records could go forward. Justices Roberts, Barrett, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson ruled to allow it; Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh said no. Thus, the sentencing occurred and, as presiding Judge Merchan had stated in advance, he issued an “unconditional discharge,” meaning there would be no fines or jail time.
Most conservatives believe that the Dems, including Judge Merchan, have been using the multiple cases against Trump as lawfare, attempting to keep him from winning the recent presidential election. After he won, in spite of their efforts, those on the Right believe Merchan’s actions continued in order to humiliate and demean Trump. Indeed, they now brand him as a felon. Most experts I have heard address Merchan’s case believe it was so unlawful, and his rulings from the bench were so egregious, that Trump’s conviction will unquestionably be overturned on appeal.
My purpose in mentioning this Supreme Court decision, however, is not to discuss the case; I’m certainly not qualified to do that. It is rather to comment on and pray for Justice Amy Coney Barrett. She has received tremendous criticism from those on the Right for her vote in this case. Chief Justice Roberts, while also touted as a conservative, has sided with the Left so often that it is not nearly as surprising when he does so. Barrett, on the other hand, was believed to be a staunch conservative when placed on the Court, and was loved by the Right. Since then, however, she has sided and voted with the Left more than once, to the bitter disappointment of many conservatives. This decision involving Trump is a case in point, and the criticism has been vicious. I feel a word of caution is in order.
Why Did She Vote As She Did?
I am certainly not a legal scholar, but in speaking with trusted conservative attorneys regarding Barrett’s decision, as well as listening to the insights of several more (including law professors), it appears that Justice Barrett took the typical course most Justices take on a criminal appeal such as this. In short, the Justices do NOT like to interrupt the normal legal process, preferring instead that cases run their normal course before getting to them. Understandably, I’m told, they make a great effort to honor “the process,” avoiding appearances - whenever possible - of dishonoring lower courts and judges.